Will & Ivey presents the TAK PAK program for the Tennessee Alliance for Kids

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Click here to learn more about TAK PAK

Tennessee Alliance for Kids will be raising money to purchase and fill TAK PAKS for foster children and teenagers. TAK PAKS are backpacks or diaper bags filled with comfort and essential items for children entering foster care. The goal is to help these children feel loved and not forgotten. The average cost to purchase and fill a TAK PAK is $175.

So, what’s included?

0-3 age group: stuffed animal, blanket, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, sleep sack or footie pajamas, bottles, and hygiene products

4-7 age group: Bible, stuffed animal, blanket, toy, coloring book, crayons, flashlight, pajamas, socks, underwear, hygiene products and a note of encouragement

8-12 age group: Bible, stuffed animal or toy, blanket, journal, sketch pad, colored pencils, flashlight, pajamas, socks, underwear, hygiene products and a note of encouragement

13-17 age group: Bible, blanket, pens, playing cards (Uno), activity toy, flashlight, socks, underwear, hygiene products and a note of encouragement

To help us bring joy and comfort to the foster children entering into care with the special gift of a TAK PAK, you may donate HERE. If your church group or organization would like to partner with TAK in this April fundraiser, please email us at info@tnallianceforkids.org.